
The Real Cost of Smoking

Despite warning labels and the excessive cost, people still continue to smoke cigarettes. There are many reasons to kick the habit. Cigarettes now cost anywhere from eight, ten, or even twelve dollars per pack and if you smoke a pack a day, you will have spent upwards of three thousand dollars in one year. If there is more than one smoker in the home, the cost is off the charts. Even though the price keeps going up and up and up, people still continue to smoke.

But smoking is much more than the expense to your wallet; it is the time it takes away from your life. It has been proven that cigarettes decrease your life expectancy. Smokers have a lot more bronchial problems than people who do not smoke. The lists of complications and illnesses that can happen directly due to smoking are plentiful. Illnesses such as bronchitis, pneumonia and emphysema are rampant in smokers. Some smokers even end up suffering from lung cancer and oftentimes the cancer is detected too late to cure.

Nicotine is said to be more addictive than heroine and though many people try to quit, most fail. Smoking is a habit that can be resumed with ease even ten years after you have quit, making it one of the most dangerous habits. Yet every day even more people start smoking.

Not only does smoking affect your wallet and your health, but your family is also at risk. Second-hand smoke is very harmful and has been proven to do almost the same amount of damage, if not more, to the non-smoker in the home. Over the years, many children have come down with asthma and bronchial problems directly related to being in the home of a smoker.

If you need evidence of how damaging smoking is, just wipe your walls down; they are golden yellow from the substance left in the air. Humans are not the only ones who suffer; your pets are also at risk.

Really, there is nothing good about smoking. If you have tried all measures such as vaping or e-cigarettes to quit and nothing is working, you may want to try a support group. After all, it is your money, your family and your life on the line.

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